Trade Center Auto Recyclers, Inc - Going Green
Thanks to our local communities, Trade Center Auto is able to recycle millions of pounds of metals every year. Nothing goes un-recycled here, starting with an automobile brought in for scrap. All fluids are drained before making it into the yard to sell used parts and, or before making it into the crusher. The fluids are then recycled. The good fuels like gasoline and diesel are used to power the yard equipment. The oils and bad or contaminated fuels go through our Clean Burn waste oil furnaces that heat our shops in the winter. The antifreeze and washer fluids are cleaned and sold back to the public at a minimal price. Mercury is removed from vehicles in an environmentally friendly and safe manner and properly disposed of through the environmental leadership program. All of the crushing is done on concrete pads for zero loss and zero soil containments. Batteries are charged, and then tested. The good ones are sold to the public and the bad ones are recycled for the lead they contain. The CFC’s (Freon) is removed from all the automobiles and appliances and is reused by automobile repair shops or appliance repair facilities.
Grand Junction
Grand Junction, CO 81505
Phone: 970-243-1579
Fax: 970-255-0034
Delta Location
Delta, CO 81416
Phone: 970-874-4806
Fax: 970-874-0408
Rifle Location
Rifle, CO 81650
Phone: 970-625-1499
Fax: 970-683-4149